Monday, September 30, 2019

Impact of Computer on Our Society

Ilorin Being a paper presented at the closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre on the 15th September 2007 Introduction At this closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre, let us lift our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the years to come.It is our great good fortune, as organisers, that time and chance have put us not only at the edge of a chapter in the lives of these graduands, but on the edge of a bright new prospect in their affairs —a moment that will define their course, and their character, for many years to come. Guided by the ancient vision of a promised future, let us set our sights upon a set of graduands of new promise. However, our march to this new future seemed less certain than it did yesterday. We must vow to set a clear course to renew our generation.We should thank the organisers for their vision towards the creation of new Nigeria ns who will appreciate problems, exhilarated by challenges, and strengthened by achievements, Nigerians with better employment opportunities, who will be job creators. Computer is gaining vast popularity globally in recent years. Its use, which extended information-processing capabilities, are influencing organizations of all types and sizes bringing about changes in institutional goals, relations and operations.A large percentage of the activities in any institution or organisation comprise the processing of communicating information in the production and distribution processes. In the developing countries, computers are becoming part of everyday activities because of the kind of information they generate and their speed of delivery (Award 1988). 1 What is a Computer A computer is an electronic device, which accepts and processes data by following a set of instructions (PROGRAM) to produce an accurate and efficient result (INFORMATION). Since the ultimate aim of computer is to prod uce information, the art if computing is often referred o as information processing. The values of the computer lie solely on its high speed (due to its electronic nature), ability to store large amount of data, the unfailing accuracy and precision. These account for its supremacy over manual computation. The computer industry began in the late forties with a very small initial investment, and has been increasing both in strength and importance. When one looks back with analytical mind, we can conclude that computer technology keeps on advancing with remarkable increase in speed, accuracy and reliability.Computing in whatever field, science, business, and industry is reaching directly or indirectly into various aspects of our society thereby, without loss of generality has shrunk the world into such a compactness that no part can afford to lack behind or live in isolation. The advent of electronic computer was hailed by the world as a great revolution, like any industrial revolution , it promised to free man from simple routine jobs of repetitive nature by providing computing power. The first to have exploited this facility was the search for scientific enquiries.This was not unconnected with the fact that the designers of these systems were scientists themselves. Several problems have been eluding satisfactory solutions, though numerical methods of solutions exist but involved a very huge accomplished. Not only did computer make reliable solutions possible it equally opened new application methods or areas. To quote but a few are the optimization techniques of Operations Research (OR), the awe-stricken field of space research, the molecular restructuring in Biochemistry etc. It would have been tedious inexhaustible, incomplete and inaccurate to list all the possible applications of computer. There is no limit tot he uses and applications of computer; hence there is hardly a branch of science that can resist computer invasion.After science was business. Because of the natural conservatism, oppressive and exploitative nature of this class coupled with their cautions approach to things, did not deem the computing machine fit until its worth and capabilities had been proved. What came to be recognized and embraced by this class was the importance of computer for decision aking and data processing, for these reasons, elaborate mathematical tools like Operations Research (OR), Critical Path Method (CPM), and Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) which were developed in the early fifties attained respectable height in the eyes of this class. Common examples of data processing are payroll, accounting, inventory management, banking, airline seat reservation etc. These required a lot of input and output and relatively little computing. Hence the costs of computing in such areas tend to be closely bound by inputting the data and outputting the results.Some applications like airlines seat reservation, banking business and inventory control , call for real-time systems, which are dedicated to a particular application. They furnish â€Å"immediate† responses to input signals. For examples, it is easier today for one to know his statement of account in a bank the moment signals for such requests are sent to the computer. Similarly debited or credited accounts are updated almost immediately for further transactions. The Need for Computer Most of our national projects could better be accomplished with the use of computers.Consider the registration of voters for election, common entrance examination into Nigeria Secondary Schools and conducting head counts (census) to mention only a few. These involve a huge volume of data, and would naturally be unwise if accomplished manually as it would be tiring, inaccurate and full of errors. 3 Going through the history/evolution of computers, the search for a realistic head count by the United States census bureau in 1890 led to the development of an electro-mechanical machine that helped greatly during the census by cutting down the man-hour required for the processing of the census data.The accuracy of computer cannot be over-emphasized and it conforms to the objective of using the computer. A cashier in a departmental store would definitely find life boring if all calculations, issuance of receipts and giving of change would be done manually for each customer after each transaction. But with the aid of an adding machine the job is done accurately and he feels relieved. Going from the adding machine to the computer itself, the ability of the computer to perform repetitive tasks makes things easier.Once the computer is programmed using the adequate software the whole job is done with ease. The need for computer in our banking system cannot be underrated because of the huge amount of transactions and the accuracy desired. Similarly in the data processing environment where the bulk of the job is either sorting, merging files, updating information, searchin g for a particular key in a pile of data etc. , all these the computer does with ease and accurately too. In a developing economy like ours, the speed of the computer is again one of the distinguishing factors that make it inevitable.From the saying that â€Å"Time is Money†, speed is equally synonymous to time, and since computers work as a phenomenal speed coupled with its ability to access records or information directly from remote locations, efforts should be directed towards introducing computer into every facets of human endeavour. Computer and Unemployment The extent to which the computer has come to permeate all levels of our society is immeasurable. In fact, it does not matter, what you plan to do for a living, you will encounter the computer.Its impact is analogous to that of the automobile and television. Things could be quite different with computers, but it has become part 4 of our society. The automobile is largely responsible for the air pollution and congesti on of our cities today. The television has been accused of literally â€Å"rotting our minds†. Technology is usually a bit of mixed blessing and the computer is no exception. There is a popular slogan and fear that computer causes unemployment. From a professional point of view, it is untrue.The problem therefore is the ability to distinguish between unemployment and job displacement. Hence with a thorough distinction between the two, computer should be seen as a saviour from slavery. Before considering the question of displacement and unemployment, it might be necessary once again to define computer. Computer as earlier defined, is an electronic device or machine, which accepts data, following some sets of logical instructions to produce the needed results. Therefore we have to ask ourselves, can this so-called computer operate without the full assistance of human being?Can we just go to the computer for a complaint and have our problems solved without having to call on some pre-written programs meant for specific assignments, and written by programmers of course? The answer to these questions is NO. It is true that behind every successful man there is a woman, also behind the successful operations of computers there is a brain (the man). Computer on its own is just an empty box or a junk, and can in no way do any intelligent job, but with programs written the jobs are done.Therefore if a computer is given a job with the logical step to follow, it can do it better, faster and more accurately than human beings and these are some of the advantages. Consider the developed countries like Japan, USA, UK etc. , where their industries are filled with Robots. The word Robot means labour. Robots are no human beings but rather are machines that can be programmed to carry out complex and tedious task without getting bored or tired. Robots are blind, deaf and have no sense of touch. Therefore jobs that are hazardous, tedious, that could be left undone are done by these Robots.Considering an assembly plant where the 5 only thing a man does in such a plant is just to take the assembled goods out of the plant to give chance for the Robots to start assembling another. What a miracle it is to know that if a Robot breaks down in the course of its duty, almost immediately a fellow Robot (Doctor Robot) will attend to it to put it back to work. Think of the most dangerous tasks, which for the love of our dear lives we cannot do, these Robots do them. Ample examples are, blast furnace, disaster area (caused by poisonous gas) marshy areas etc. of course Robots do these jobs not thinking of any relations or parents and in fact, at a faster speed enhancing productivity. How does computer displace people and who are those displaced? As earlier mentioned, computer can only do a routine job and cannot think in any form. Now come to think of some well-structured organizations, UAC, SCOA and Leventis etc. , there are skilled personnel and unskilled workers/cl erks. The daily job of these unskilled workers are mere routine jobs like accounting procedures, oading and assembling goods which can be taken over by computers that will do it better, faster and in fact, more reliable thereby enhancing greater productivity. These labourers so displaced by computer can be taken to such areas as sales since more articles are produced. These workers should go out soliciting for markets. While the managers, engineers and technician can not be displaced because they as skilled in their job, they do real thinking. Therefore to supplement these greater efficiency and productivity of the computer, these skilled workers should be kept in an airconditioned office, and in fact, think of things yet to happen.No wonder the United States of American sees nothing left on earth again and hence proceeded to exploit the outer space. With these productive forces in operation, the prices of goods and the workers conditions of service would be improved. 6 Recently, th ese big time companies embarked on agriculture. These unskilled workers could be better utilized there, and more of them is needed for such jobs. In Africa, there are popular terms like laziness, redundancy, unproductively, etc. These are happening because there are no challenges to face.What we do mostly are routine jobs which could be boring thereby creating unhappiness and in such a situation we become less productive. The routine jobs should be given to computers while a conducive atmosphere be created for the skilled workers to think of ways of making the continent self reliant. Computer and Job Creation Let us consider a particular case study of an information system, the effect of computer and how it helps creating jobs. An information system means the collection and processing of data to yield useful information for decision making.To collect data, enumerators are needed to actually go to the field for data collection, typist are needed too and other people employed in the c ourse of recording the data and finally statisticians computer operators use the computer for processing the data to give useful results (information). Again think of the case of our consultancy services. Any company going into such ventures like agricultural business needs a consultant having in his service Agricultural scientists, soil scientists and host of other professionals in allied discipline to perform the feasibility studies.They give useful information to customers are regards the type of crops to plant, the planting seasons, the fertilizers to apply and when, the type of pests attracted by such plants etc. , all these lead to greater productivity and this is one of the things the attention of our professionals should be directed to. Come to think of the perennial problems of Cancer, AIDS and some other deadly diseases, which we have no solutions to. Our scientist and medical personnel should use most of their time addressing their minds through intensive research towards providing a remedy to such ills of the society while the computer is left to do their routine jobs for them. History has it that the early jobs where computers were employed were in accounting, payroll, ledger etc. , all of which had fixed procedures or routine hence it was easier to computerize these systems to enhance productivity and save workers from boredom. However, it must be recognized that computer requires lesser number of personnel, it can produce more and it is not likely to go on maternity leave, nor go on strikes, nor demand overtime or old age pension etc.Also the use of computer creates more jobs such as consultancy, developing and selling of software and hardware while the displaced workers could be trained as salesmen to market the goods or taken to such areas like agriculture where they can serve humanity. Therefore computer will lead to re-arrangement in the organizational set up and this will lead to greater productivity. Conclusions Computer offer innumerable benefits in enriching the quality and quantity of goods and services in any organisation.Despite the prevalent nature of computer in virtually every aspect of human endeavours, it has not been widely integrated into the production and distribution processes in Nigeria. Its integration will not only revolutionize the economy, it will engender the development of individual’ innate scientific inquiry mind and their critical thinking abilities. COMPUTER PROVIDES LONGER LIFE, REDUCES WORKING HOURS AND GREATER REMUNERATION IN RETURN.REFERENCES Ayo, C, K. (1994). Computer literacy: Operations and appreciation. Egbe: Alanukitan Press Walton, D. (1984). Blob (Computer Program): Applied system knowledge (ASK). London: Unwin Ltd 8

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Abortion

Today, satellite and cable television, interactive video and electronic games, the personal computer and the internet are central to the daily lives of children. Yet, little is known about the uses and impact of these new technologies. Children are no longer passive recipients of the media. Use of the internet, participation in e-mail, chat rooms, and instant messaging are some of the ways they are participating with the new media. As their enthusiasm for creating innovative uses of new media shows, children have an important role to play in the future development of new media.If information and communication technologies (ICT) are indeed an integral part of The New Economy, then how children use ICTs in their daily lives is a crucial research question to address. What is the place of new media especially the internet, in children’s lives today? Will some children be excluded from these opportunities while others live in an increasingly information-rich environment? Will the g rowing importance of the media add to the variety and pleasure in their lives, or will it contribute to their withdrawal from traditional leisure activities and even from social participation? Lets analyze these questions one after the other.New media especially the internet has positive effects on Child Development. Childhood is all about exploration, through the interactive world of technology, our children are being shaped by their exploration of computers and the Internet. The modern computer and the Internet offer today’s children a powerful device that, if used appropriately, can enhance the development of the child’s physical, cognitive, and social skills. Children get interested because they can make things happen with the Internet. The Internet is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing our children’s learning, communication and play.Impact on Physical Development It may not seem to the naked eye that exposure to the Internet would have a positive effec t on the physical development of children. However, knowledge of muscular development and motor control skills leads us to deduce that regular Internet usage would naturally enhance a child’s eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills due to keyboard and mouse usage. Impact on Cognitive Development Children who use the Internet show gains in cognitive abilities such as memory, spatial and logical problem solving, critical thinking, concentration, abstraction and comprehension.The Internet exposes children to information to improve the quality of learning that they can transform into knowledge. Through the use of the Internet, children’s language and literacy development is often promoted, allowing for greater gains in verbal and nonverbal skills. New media also includes interactive video games: Speed of visual processing-There is growing evidence that playing action video games increases people's ability to process visual information quickly and to make decisions base d on that information. So also cartoons on children.Cartoon films are central focus of many very young children's lives, used by parents to help manage busy schedules and keep the peace. Many parents also express satisfaction with the educational benefits of TV and how it can teach positive behaviors. Some of these positive effects are : Educational benefits: By watching educational cartoon films, children at every age learn so many things. Infants and toddlers start learning different words, objects and their meanings. Also, they can improve overall cognitive knowledge among young children.When a kid watches TV in his very early age, he learns many things before going to school. He takes up things easily and tries to learn how to speak and conduct himself. Helps Improve Vocabulary and Learn new languages. Makes a Child feel more confident: While watching their favorite cartoon show, kids adopt many things and sometimes they talk and behave in the same manner as their favorite chara cters do. Doing so they feel more comfortable and confident that they can talk to people and even can perform in front a crowd Enhance imagination and creativity: By watching cartoon films, children become more creative.They try to do things in different ways, so their imagination and creativity is enhanced. There is also evidence in the literature that children’s imaginative play can be positively affected by television content. The children get new ideas with which they can show their talent. Develop parent-children relationship: When parents buy different storybooks, watch different cartoons and children programs with their children or let their children to cinemas for watching movies. In each of the above case parents spend time with their children.As a result parents child relationship is improved. Source of entertainment: Cartoon films are also source of entertainment for every child even for infants and toddlers. Like infants and toddlers enjoy sounds and movement and at the same time they also learn from it. Cell Phones and Their Positive Effects In Nigeria today, 45 percent of teens own their own cell phone, which today is much more than a phone. Many cell phones function as small computers, with Internet capabilities, games, pictures, videos, texting and email.Cell phones for youth are mobile communication devices that they can use in a wide variety of ways. There are many concerns about the impact of the constant media input that cell phones provide for youth, but there are many advantages as well which includes: Communication: The most obvious benefit of cell phones for youth is their ability to help teens communicate. Although this can be a disadvantage if not properly managed, it is frequently an advantage. A teenager who owns a cell phone is always able to call her parents.If she's at a party or a friend's house and finds herself in an uncomfortable or inappropriate situation, she doesn't have to find the landline or ask permission to use the phone; she can always call her parents from anywhere, at any time. This is even more valuable in situations where a landline might not be accessible, such as when her car breaks down or she has an accident. For her parents, knowing that their child can easily communicate with them at any time offers peace of mind. Safety: For a teenager, having a cell phone available in emergency situations can make the difference between life and death.A teen who is suspects she is a witness of criminal activity can call 911 on her cell phone. If necessary, she can even make the call without other people being aware by dialing with the phone still in his pocket. Youths have also used cell phones with video and phone capability to record criminal events, making them into reporters and helping police identify criminals and observe exact events in a crime. Engagement and Education: Cell phones have also been leveraged as an important tool for youth engagement, especially in developing countries a nd  rural areas.In places where youth are less likely to have access to the Internet or landline phones, cell phones are becoming a way for them to connect with the global world and give their opinions on issues that affect them. For example, a radio program in Burundi in 2009 allowed marginalized rural youth to share their opinions on public policy questions, using cell phones to call in to the radio show. Some teachers and campuses are beginning to take advantage of the educational potential of cell phones.On some college campuses, students can organize their schedules and take quizzes through their phones. Some high schools take advantage of educational games for cell phones. Educators can also teach students how to use their phones as research tools, which encourages youth to take more initiative in their own learning. With these numerous benefit, another question that comes to mind is: Will some children be excluded from these opportunities while others live in an increasingl y information-rich environment?In a developing country like ours, advances in ICTs have brought a lot of opportunities and perhaps a whole lot of challenges as well. One of the main challenges is the gap between the information have-s and information have-nots -what we call the digital divide. Not every family and child has access to computers, the Internet and interactive media. Persistent differences across socio-economic and ethnic lines have rightly generated an important public policy debate about possible implications and solutions to this inequality.Major challenges faced in the path towards digital opportunity include poverty, illiteracy, political instability, and poor ICT infrastructure. In closing the â€Å"digital divide† , NITDA has since the past five years, set up Many RITCs (Rural Information Technology Centres) in the six geo-political zones to provides a range of services – education and communication facilities so that underprivileged children, with or without any planned instructional intervention, can achieved a certain level of computer literacy.As expected there has been a remarkable feature among the users, particularly with the young ones, of these centres. Will the growing importance of the media add to the variety and pleasure in their lives, or will it contribute to their withdrawal from traditional leisure activities and even from social participation? The Internet cannot and should not replace human interaction or relationships, nor take the place of activities such as sharing verbal conversations with our children or reading together.However, if properly used, the Internet can serve as a medium for acceptable social interaction. The Internet allows children to socialize with other children through the use of email, chat rooms, and instant messaging, increasing the development of communication and social skills. As children use the Internet to connect with places around the world and exchange mail with electronic pen pals, they are able to share different cultures and traditions. Often the use of Internet in classrooms allows the children to work together, encouraging the sharing of ideas and cooperative learning.Students that find conventional methods of learning difficult will frequently find learning via the Internet to be fun. From this positive experience these children improve their attitudes about learning while enhancing their curiosity and self-concept. Many parents whose children use the Internet in school believe that the Internet has improved their child’s overall attitude toward school. â€Å"Education is also the single most common motivation parents cite for their children to use the Internet from home. The Internet allows children to actively participate in an independent learning environment.Children can use it to find inspiration, stimulate the imagination, explore the world and gain new experiences. The process is known as play. Play has its own pursuit of amusement, competition, and companionship – all which can be fulfilled on the Internet. Though it is no true replacement for physical social play, the Internet offers uniques alternatives, which are especially important for those that are physically disabled and unable to engage in physical play. The Internet today is part of our children’s natural environment.When kids are online, they’re reading, thinking, analyzing, criticizing and authenticating – composing their thoughts. Kids use computers for activities that go hand-in-hand with our understanding of what constitutes a traditional childhood. They use the technology to play, learn, communicate and form relationships as children always have. Truly, the Internet has become a daily part of many children’s lives. It is little wonder that it has such a pervasive effect on their social development. Internet Safety A wide range of potentially negative effects of new media have been identified.These include effe cts relating to: Violent content – including imitation (in the form of aggression or antisocial behavior), desensitization and fear †¢ Sexual content – including imitation (in the form of promiscuous or unsafe practices), arousal, and shock or disgust Advertising – in relation to misleading claims, as well as consumerist or materialistic attitudes more broadly Inappropriate or unwanted contact with others – for example in the form of ‘stranger danger’ or bullying †¢ Health – for example to do with smoking, alcohol and drug-taking †¢ General personality disorders, such as low self-esteem, ‘identity confusion’ or alienation †¢ Physical effects of excessive use – for example RSI-type conditions and eyesight problems relating to computers †¢ Reduced time for family interaction, or relationships with peers†¢ Reduced levels of educational achievement, or reading more specifically †¢ Mist aken values, attitudes or beliefs – for example in relation to gender or ethnic stereotyping. In addition, children are exposed to insults and inappropriate language. The Internet Child Safety Foundation has worked out some safety tips which are as follows: Keep the computer in the living room Listen to your kids and get involved Make some simple rules Consider parental control software Use filtered search engine Check website rating At this point, I must mention that Parental attitudes play a large role in determining what children watch.Parents who believed that TV was beneficial to children were more likely to choose educational programs for their children. By contrast, parents who have not had opportunities for higher education are more likely to allow their children to watch what they want, and have the television on more during the day. Also, when searching for information, youngsters could be encouraged to use child safe search engines. Parents need to educate their ch ildren. They need to sit with the child and help regulate his or her Net routine right from the very first time. This could help prevent addiction. Safe websites for Children http://fss. live. com/kids/Microsoft family safety and child friendly websites http://www. activities for your family or students, this is the place to be and for educators interested in integrating technology into their curriculum. http://www. crime-safety-security. com/Learn lifesaving lessons from 22 years of research and experience teaching countless children’s groups, college students, civic groups, corporations, rape survivors, and veteran cops at police academies – dozens of original insights you've never imagined and will find nowhere else http://www. allsafesites. com/Safe browser for children and teens http://www. kidsites. com/Great series of educational resources, games and fun stuff for children, parents and Teaches www. topmarks. co. ukWell designed and go od fun reference site for all those homework queries. www. Safe search engine for children. www. need2know. co. uk Sound, straightforward and well-judged advice for children and teenagers. www. howstuffworks. com Engaging encyclopaedia of the modern (and not so modern) world, with good illustrations and clear text. www. habbo. co. uk Social networking for teens. www. friction. tv A You Tube-style site for campaigners. Make a short video and get your message across. www. mrmen. com Videos, games, stories and more from 24 of Roger Hargreaves' unbeatable creations.www. nick. com Play games, share your avatar, download screensavers and catch up on your favourite cartoon characters at the Mecca of TV cartoondom. Plus Nick Junior (www.  nickjr. co. uk), customised for pre-schoolers. www. seussville. com A gentle celebration of all things Cat In The Hat. switchzoo. com/zoo. htm From a calligator to a dogophant, create crazy new animals online. www. guinnessworldrecords. com S earchable database of record-breaking feats – but only some, of course, they still want you to buy the book. www. innocentkids. co. uk Great series of games and activities from the smoothies people. Match the animal with its poo is particularly engaging. www. cool-reads. co. uk Ten- to 15-year-olds pick and review their favourite books. More than 2,000 entries and growing. www. travellingwithchildren. co.ukTips, products and destinations for taking the little darlings on the road. http://www. commonsensemedia. org/website-listsGreat websites for kids with easy hand-picked lists of fun, age-appropriate kids' sites and online games. SAFE SEARCH ENGINES FOR CHILDREN www. studysearch. com. au/Home. aspx Its one of the mostly used customizable Search Engine used at Australian schools and it is Google Powered. This is developed by keeping the Primary and Secondary school students in mind. This is the safest Search Engine and best suggestible for Parents for make their kids use it. kids. yahoo. comEngine that directs to the Yahoo Directory and its the most suggestible Search Engine for Kids.Its one of the most attractive search engines that keeps you child to engage with it easily. www. askkids. comSearch Engine from Ask. com specially developed for Kids and it provides the results from Ask Directory. It provides the 5 different categories like Movies, Videos, Schoolhouse, Games, and Images with entire clean and tidy results www. kidrex. orgGoogle Search powered Search Engine for kids with interface design developed with child crayon drawing. Its completely a kids Search Engine. Popular Television Programs and DVD Series for Young Children Barney & FriendsEvoking a preschool setting, Barney the dinosaur teaches songs and dances to young children.The show focuses heavily on pro-social themes of sharing, empathizing, helping others, and cooperating. Blue’s CluesA human host encourages viewers at home to help solve a mystery with his dog friend, Blue. The show is often repetitive and encourages interactivity by asking viewers to find clues and solve puzzles. Bob the BuilderBob the Builder and his construction crew face building, renovation, and repair challenges. The series often focuses on identifying a problem and making a plan to solve the problem. Dora the ExplorerFeaturing a bilingual Latina girl as the lead, Dora and her friends go on quests and help others, encouraging viewers to help out through their own actions or by telling her what she needs to know.In addition to highlighting traditional educational content such as color and shapes, Dora teaches language by repeating words and phrases in English and Spanish. Sesame StreetCombining puppetry, live action, and animation, this long-running series focuses on a wide range of topics including the alphabet, numbers, emotion management, conflict resolution, music, dance, and healthy lifestyles. TeletubbiesCentering on four colorful characters, the Teletubbies speak in a baby-like language and learn through play. The Teletubbies have televisions in their stomachs that show clips of real children from around the world. This program is targeted at toddlers.Thomas & FriendsBased on a book series, Thomas the Tank Engine and his engine friends learn to work hard and be cooperative with each other. The WigglesFeaturing a four-man singing group for children, episodes of The Wiggles include songs and skits focused on solving a problem. The Wiggles encourages children to sing songs and move their bodies to music. Baby EinsteinSeries content covers wide range of topics including music, art, language, poetry, and science. Targeted at children starting at one month. Brainy BabyEducational series highlighting range of subjects including alphabet, art, music, shapes, foreign languages, and right and left brain development. Targeted at children starting at nine months.Sesame BeginningsFeatures baby versions of the Muppets from Sesame Street. The focus is on encouraging int eractions between child and caregivers. Targeted at children starting at six months. In conclusion, the internet is an amazing tool for learning and formation. Knowing how to use it effectively is increasingly important and necessary. Providing children more direct access to multimedia equipment and Information Communication Technology (ICT), could provide them with new opportunities to explore their own creative imagination. In seeking to prevent negative effects, it is important to ensure that we do not also undermine or preclude the potential for positive effects.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Media Sensationalism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media Sensationalism - Research Paper Example It is a hallmark of playing with the public emotions in order to create a picture that is intended by government agents or terror groups. Some of the tactics normally employed include editorial biases, exaggeration, deliberate obtuse information that is intended to play with public emotion. Besides, it encompasses magnifying trivial information in order to appear loud and sensible2. Media sensationalism appears to have thrived best during the American September 11, 2001 terror attack and subsequent events. Notably, as the Bush administration strived to keep bold face after terror act, the reality of the eventually created public discontent on the role of security agents and the government in safeguarding its people. It was a devastating event that left 3031 people dead and many maimed. The paper explores how media sensationalism has since evolved as a terrorist tool and as a counter-terrorism weapon. Without communication, there would be no terrorism. Though it existed prior to mass media, terror groups have begun using mass media as a tool to discredit perceived success on the war on terror. Most notably, the Islamist extremist groups such as ISIS have used mass media as a war tool. Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y video clip by Johan Grimpez in 1997 reflects a medium and the terrorist conflict way back before the September 11, U.S terror attack. The video offers a historical chart of airplane hijacking and how progressive television coverage became more and more deadly. It centers on an imagined conversation between a terrorist and a novelist. As the video progresses, media coverage increases leading to inward society shock on the reality of plane hijack by the terrorist. The media coverage of incidence serves to create societal tension. Mouna Abdel-Majid, a member of PLO, tells the reporter that westerners have fought beyond their territory, and they were now avenging3. Notably, they engage in exchange

AutoIndustry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

AutoIndustry - Essay Example Apart from that there are other renowned companies like Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda and Suzuki had to close down their factories due to several problems like damage and lack of supply. Many people are optimistic that delivery and shortage of supply of cars from Japan may give a window of opportunity for the domestic manufacturers in the United States market. However this may be hard to achieve because most of the United States car manufacturers are dependent on the Japanese car component manufacturing industries. As a result of the disaster in Japan the global supply chain of the automobile industry have been disrupted. As a result there will be a delay in the delivery of the cars and even the prices of the cars in the US automobile market may rise in the recent years. Japan was a significant exporter of car components, essentially the electrical components to the US automobile companies. Companies like Ford manufacturing hybrid cars used to import the hybrid batteries for their cars f rom the Japanese company Sanyo. Though Sanyo has not been severely affected by the chain of disasters, the companies that supply their components to Sanyo have been affected. Therefore the supply chain has been destroyed (Rall). Japan is the third largest producer of car component for the US automobile industry after Germany and the domestic car component manufacturers. Year Percentage of Parts Import Percentage of Total Parts Market Value of Automotive part imported (in million dollars) 2000 23.2 5.1 14,535 2001 23.0 5.0 13,150 2002 21.0 4.9 13,498 2003 19.7 4.5 13,745 2004 20.2 5.1 15,494 2005 19.4 5.3 16,448 2006 17.6 4.8 15,377 2007 16.1 4.8 14,757 2008 16.2 5.1 13,486 2009 - - 8,774 (U.S. Department of Commerce, 67) The United States car manufacturing companies are dependent on the Japanese car component manufacturing companies for both the original equipments and the after parts. The original equipments are the components that are required at the factories for producing the ca rs. The after parts are the components that are used to replace the old components in a used car. The table shows that Japan has a significant share in the United States car component market. However there is significant drop in the value of import of car parts from Japan to United States in the year 2009. However that drop is due to a fall in demand for new cars in the United States market as an effect of the recession that plagued the country. However, the proportion of import of car parts is consistent with the previous trend. Therefore we can conclude about the dependence of the United States automobile industry on the Japanese Original equipment and after part manufacturing industry. Any adverse effect on the latter market will lead to a supply shortage in the United States automobile industry. The trade balance of car components of United States with Japan has also negative value in the considered period with the highest being 13,017 million dollars deficit in 2007. In United States the top 3 domestic companies have been the General Motors, Ford, and the Chrysler Group. They have been named as the Big Three by the industry. However their share of the car market has decreased significantly from 73.5% in 1995 to about 57% in 2005. In July 2006 Toyota had more sales than the previous second ranking Ford. Similarly Honda had more

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ageing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ageing - Essay Example The impact of physiotherapy on healthy ageing is both short and long-term, and, as a result, requires both short and long-term solutions. Contrary to common perspectives, successful ageing is more than just about the absence of disease. There are many disease-free people who do not age successfully, and research shows that the absence of disease is just of a myriad of aspects that need the utmost attention to enable successful ageing. As a matter of fact, successful ageing involves personal, social and economic issues that have a significant impact on one’s lifespan and manner of ageing (Timonen, 2008:31). Physical health, financial security, independence, productivity and employment, good adjustment and a positive outlook, and maintaining participation in activities and with individuals who cultivate support and meaning are all important components of life that contribute towards successful ageing. Physiotherapy has a huge role to play in successful ageing because it involves most of these issues. Physiotherapy promotes physical and mental health and is influential in cultivating a positive outlook of life in individuals. Since health professionals and policymakers have a vital and active role to play in the formulation of health policies (that also affect physiotherapy), they impact successful ageing in many ways (Newman, 1995:46). Just like all aspects of health care, creation of good physiotherapy policies has a positive influence on individuals’ mental and physical health. Government agencies and private organisations have a clear and defined role to play in the promotion of successful ageing. Health professionals (e.g., physiotherapists) can collaborate with government agencies and private healthcare entities in numerous ways to enable the development and promotion of effective, successful ageing policies (Timonen, 2008:33). Collaboration can take many forms depending on the goals and objectives of a specific initiative. For

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 6

Abortion - Essay Example In western societies, legalization on abortion has not been found to be a foolproof solution, causing circumstantial segregations based on vested interests or dynamics of power. Violent protests and insurgencies by activitist groups have not been able to restore social harmony and peace. The proponents of abortion have always equated abortion to a social evil, but the roots of the issue is deeply ramified across all disciplines of sociological, political, moral, religious and most importantly, humanistic and psychological value and belief systems (Dillon, 2009). In this discourse, the topic of abortion will be critically analyzed in the light of sociological theories mainly, such as, the Social Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactional Theory and Structural Functionalism. The best-fit approach and the emergent thoughts in the light of modernization will be deliberated using a secondary case-study analysis to enlighten on the way forward for such an eruptive social issue. The debate on the issue of abortion has mostly to deal with the problems of inequality and behavioral choices on the part of the women who undergo the peril. Traditionally, there are two major observations to be noted in this case; firstly, no one likes it and many people seem to have clouted thoughts about it and secondly, despite its historic incidence in the society from time immemorial, abortion is like poverty and serious illness. Society abhors the fact but is not open about it too. There is always a continuing debate on coming to terms with the law on the other hand. With regard to the two emergent points of view, fetus and the female, the theoretical constructs need to be analyzed further in details (Nagan, 1972). Marxist theories are predominantly economic and deal with the external environment. Marxism community-manifesto supports a pro-abortion heritage. Conferring the social responsibility onto the mother, her opinion about keeping the baby or not has more to do

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Madeleine An Autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Madeleine An Autobiography - Essay Example Madeleine lived in a society which would rather abhor social digresses like Madeleine than treating the cause of digression. Being a woman of the late Gilded Age, Madeleine had to suffer from the social problems such as gender discrimination, moral decay, the rapid collapse of the rural economy, etc which were directly related to industrialization and urbanization. Though the Gilded Age experienced the boom of the mechanized urban economy, it was not prepared enough to face the commotions and moral decay that the collapse of the rural decline. Women, of affluent social status, like Madeleine, could hardly bear the insult which the society inflicted upon for them for the moral digression. But the society could do little to protect them from the lust of their male counterparts. Therefore, being forced by circumstances, they choose prostitution to save their own lives.  Being raised with pure Christian teachings in an economically affluent family, Madeleine could have fairly managed a decent way of living for herself. â€Å"She was brought up in a strict heaven-and-hell belief† (Madeleine 34). Even her great-grandfather was quite well-known for his religiosity. He was â€Å"often quick to anger, she said, but he was also quick to repentance, and if he had offended relative or friend he asked his pardon and the pardon of God before he slept.† (Madeleine 45) Though Madeleine’s religious background and teaching were few of psychological strengths which could protect her from being a prostitute. But ironically her family background and religious teachings contribute to the growth of self-reproach, for her juvenile pregnancy, so strongly that she took a wrong decision to run away from Mrs. James’s house in Missouri.  Even if she could remain with her mother in her hometown, she might have received her mother’s proper attention. She needed parental support in her home. She â€Å"needed both her parents† (Madeleine 23).  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Working with and Leading People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Working with and Leading People - Essay Example Recruitment is the process of encouraging, identifying and generating potential candidates for a specific job. It is considered as a positive approach as it attracts as much as candidate possible. The goals for recruitment is to draw more of qualified candidates and to encourage unqualified candidates to self eliminate themselves (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2008). In this case study, Jamie Oliver has taken an unconventional approach to recruitment where he encouraged un-educated and un-skilled applicants to get trained by him to become future chefs. He did not depend on any job specifications and judged the candidates on the basis of their enthusiasm and dedications towards their passion to become the best chef with highest professional standards. His goal was to attract un-qualified candidates rather than setting standards to self eliminate themselves. The selection process is the decision making process on hiring or not hiring a potential candidate for the vacancy (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2008). The selection process followed by Jamie Oliver was not based on the conventional criteria such as experience, knowledge and skills. He selected 60 candidates who went through some rigorous employment tests. The trainees were first asked to talk about food while they were filmed simultaneously to judge their excitement and obsession about food. Then it started with the ‘taste’ test where they were subjected to rare dishes which they have never tasted and was judged upon their ability to sense the texture and flavour of the food. This acted as an elimination test where only 30 people were selected and were taken to the next round where they were made to observe the process of cooking a simple dish of vegetables and fried salmon. All the stages of the process were explained to them and then they were instructed to cook the same dish as to see how

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Beowul, Hygelac & Hrothgar Essay Example for Free

Beowul, Hygelac Hrothgar Essay The Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf contains accounts of several powerful men, the three most important ones being Beowulf, Hrothgar and Hygelac. Hygelac, king of the Geats, is Beowulf’s uncle. Beowulf is, therefore, both Hygelac’s nephew and his thane. He comes to aid Hrothgar, king of Denmark, when the latter is experiencing difficulties that have the power to destroy his kingdom: the monster Grendel has been attacking Hrothgar’s mead-hall Heorot regularly for a long time, and Beowulf is the only man who can put an end to this misery. In many ways, these three old English heroes are similar in character, both in their earlier years and when they have grown old. One thing the gentlemen have in common is the fact that they were all brave warriors when they were young. Hrothgar only became king after his bravery in battle had been established: â€Å"The fortunes of war favored Hrothgar. Friends and kinsmen flocked to his ranks†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (line 64-5). Hygelac is described as a â€Å"battle-famed king† (l. 2190), indicating that he too had to obtain renown in battle before being allowed to rule the Geats. Beowulf also had a share in victorious battles. Before he sailed to Denmark, he had already fought many a time. â€Å"‘(†¦) I am Hygelac’s kinsman, one of his hall-troop. When I was younger, I had great triumphs.’† (l. 406-9). His real fame, however, came with his defeating Grendel and subsequently the latter’s mother. â€Å"‘(†¦) Beowulf, my friend, your fame has gone far and wide, you are known everywhere.’† (l. 1699-1705). Another shared characteristic is their self-confidence, which is depicted in descriptive passages about how they made their way in battle: they were fearless and relied wholly on their own strength. For example, Beowulf is at one point described as â€Å"the sure-footed fighter† (l. 1543), indicating that he believes himself to be equal to the challenge he faces. This self-reliance has much to do with their pride: they were all proud men. This is shown, for example, during Beowulf’s boasts in the mead-hall. â€Å"(†¦) Beowulf, that prince of goodness, proudly asserted: ‘When it comes to fighting, I count myself as dangerous any day as Grendel.’† (l. 675-8). The aspect of self-confidence is entwined with the fact that they were very loyal warriors as well. In order to come across truly loyal and honourable, men had to depict an image of themselves that would live up to expectations. In short, they had to boast, make good on those boasts, follow their lords anywhere and anytime and be familiar with the required courtesies of the time. Although it is not literally stated in the text that Hrothgar and Hygelac were faithful thanes, it may be inferred from the descriptions of their loyal character when they are kings. That is to say, it seems the three men do not change much when they become kings, so it may be assumed that they were loyal both when they were young and when they were older. Next to being faithful to either their lords or their thanes, they were also faithful to God. Some characteristics reveal that they have not abandoned pagan morale altogether: â€Å"Hygelac’s kinsman kept thinking about his name and fame: he never lost his heart.† (l. 1529-30). The importance of winning glory in battle is associated with pagans. However, on the whole the three kings can be said to be Christians. â€Å"’And may the Divine Lord in His wisdom grant the glory of victory to whichever side He sees fit.’† (l. 685-7). Apart from having been warriors, they have all been kings as well. Moreover, they were very similar kings: all three men were good and loyal rulers. â€Å"’Hygelac may be young to rule a nation, but this much is known about the king of the Geats: he will come to my aid and want to support me by word and action in your hour of need, when honor dictates that I raise a hedge of spears around you.’† (l. 1830-5). As Beowulf states, Hygelac would aid him in any way he could because he is such a devoted lord. Also, the kings were very generous. â€Å"(†¦) Hrothgar’s generosity was praised repeatedly.† (l. 1884-5). It was very important for a king to reward his thanes properly, and Hrothgar, Hygelac and Beowulf are all very open-handed. Furthermore, all kings are described as being perfectly capable of ruling their kingdom. Even when, for example, Hrothgar seems unable to control the chaos Grendel created, it is said that â€Å"(†¦) there was no laying of blame on their lord, the noble Hrothgar; he was a good king.† (l. 861-2). To conclude, Hrothgar, Hygelac and Beowulf are very similar characters. Both as warriors and as kings many parallels can be found. The main characteristics they share are loyalty, bravery, pride and their belief in Christianity. Their reputations are well established, both in the story and outside of it: in the mainly fictive world of the poem, their names will not be forgotten, but readers of the poem nowadays will remember them just as well.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Travel and Term Paper Examples Essay Example for Free

Travel and Term Paper Examples Essay Below is a free essay on Faq on Solo Travel from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. 1. Is it safe to travel alone? It is generally safe but do read up on the places you will be visiting for any travel advisories such as petty crimes or things to watch out for. Travel during daytime and try not to stray to areas that are isolated or dark. Always keep your belongings in sight and safely secured. Separate a portion of your money and credit card in a different location than the rest of your money in case of theft. Let someone know your travel itinerary and occasionally keep them updated of your whereabouts so that they know you are safe. 2. What do I need to prepare before the trip? Plan for your trip! Choose where to go and try to do as much research on your destination as possible. Check to see for any visa requirements. Decide how long you want to travel and be aware of your budget. You should know exactly how much you want to spend each day on meals, transportation and lodging. Don’t forget admission fees to places of interest and allocate some splurge money for shopping and souvenirs. It is recommended that you purchase travel insurance to cover for medical expenses and emergency evacuation in case you need medical attention during your trip. 3. Where to stay? There are many kinds of accommodations that you can explore. However, hostels are often the cheaper option if you are travelling alone. Nevertheless, do check out for good hotel deals online. For the more adventurous, there are interest groups that offer free stay at their homes. Check out However, choose wisely to ensure that you get a good host. A tip will be to view comments about the host. For a farm stay experience, check out, where you will get free lodgings and food in exchange for a few hours of work each day at the owner’s farm. 4. What should I do during my trip? Travelling overseas does not mean you have to cover all the places of interests. Do not rush from one place to another. Be selective. More

Friday, September 20, 2019

Waste Isolation Power Plant Issues

Waste Isolation Power Plant Issues Introduction: The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, commonly abbreviated as WIPP is the third deepest geological repository in the world. This is after the closure of the repository German plants such as the Schacht Asse II, and the Morsleben radioactive waste plants. This geological repository site has been licensed to dispose radioactive waste, for a minimum period of 10,000 years. Furthermore, the WIPP is also responsible for the production of nuclear weapons (Olsson, 32). The estimated cost that this nuclear plan incurs is estimated at 19 billion United States dollars. The WIPP is found at 42 km, east of the town of Carlsbad. This town is found in the city of New Mexico, in the county of Eddy. This region is considered as the nuclear corridor of the city of New Mexico, and it also includes a National Enrichment Facility and a Waste Control Facility. Capilla, Jaime, and Andrà ©s (257) therefore explains that New Mexico hosts very important nuclear and geological facilities in United States. In the year 2010, the department of energy was able to mothball, the previous plans to develop and build the Yucca nuclear waste repository plant in Nevada. This had an effect of leaving the WIPP as the only repository facility that had the capability of storing waste products that had accumulated at the commercial nuclear plants, in the United States (Olsson, 39). However, there were a series of mishaps and accidents in the year 2014, and this is because of the growing backlog of nuclear waste, that were emanating from commercial nuclear power plants (Seong and Yoram, 1011). Because of these accidents and mishaps, there is a growing concern that this situation may turn into a danger to the citizens of the country, hence the need of building more nuclear repositories that can handle the nuclear activities of the country. Geological History of the WIPP: The WIPP is located in the Delaware Basin of the state of New Mexico. It is a 600 meter deep in length, and it is a salt basin. This basin was formed during the periods of the Permian, and it is approximately 250 million years ago. The Permian is a geological period, and it is characterized by the diversification of organisms into turtles, mammals, archosaurs, etc. Capilla, Jaime, and Andrà ©s (255) explains that an ancient sea once existed where the Delaware Basin is, and it evaporated over a given period of time. This had an effect of leaving an impermeable layer of salt that over a given period of time was able to cover a 300 meters of rock and soil. Olsson (41) further explains that the Delaware basin has some geological similarities with other basins that were created or made through the evaporation of the sea. One of this characteristic is the existence of salts and rocks. The Delaware basin is very salty and rocky, hence depicting this universal characteristic that is found i n all the basins that exists because of the evaporation of the sea. The saltiness of these basins occurs because of the nature of the sea, which is always salty. In 1975, the department of energy began drilling in the salty beds of the Delaware Basin. Geologists were able to discover that the edge of the Delaware Basin had experienced some disturbances. This had led to the movement of the interbed layers to a vertical position. In response, the geologists were able to move the site towards a more stable center of the Delaware basin. Capilla, Jaime, and Andrà ©s (255) explains that there was a suggestion during the early periods of investigation, that the complexity of the geological basin was problematic. This had an effect of causing or making the hollowed-out caverns as unstable. However, Seong and Yoram (1011) explain that what others consider as a form of instability is viewed as a positive aspect, and this is because salt is transformed into a rock. Furthermore, as early as 1957, the National Academy of Science was able to recommend that salt s hould be used as a radioactive waste disposal. This is because it had the capability of plastically deforming a motion that is referred to as the salt creep, which exists in the salt-mining industry (Olsson, 32). This helps in sealing and closing any opening that is created during the process of mining. Furthermore, it also closes and seals any opening that is found around the repository. Geological Location of the WIPP: The WIPP lies on a general flat plain, which is covered with caliche, desert bushes, and sand. The geological name of the region in which the WIPP is located, is called the gypsum-karst region. A subsidence landform, commonly referred to as the Nash Draw lies 5 km, across the Western side of the WIPP site. The Nash Draw is 10 to 16 km wide, on the eastern side of the WIPP, and it has experienced a series of erosion by fill and solution of soluble rocks (Olsson, 27). This is a process that has happened in the past period, and it is also currently happening. The Pecos River also flows from the North West of the WIPP to the South East of the repository. This river is approximately 20 km, from the repository. Because of the existence of saline creeps along the Pecos River, the WIPP has been identified as an area that has the capability of discharging nuclear waste products that emanate from the commercial nuclear sites, and the repository itself. Geological Issues related with WIPP: The geological characterization of the WIPP began in 1974, after the government abandoned the Lyons, Kansas site. The government abandoned this site, in the year 1972. The Atomic Energy Commission was the one which was responsible for selecting the Kansas site. However, it was deemed unsuitable because of unmapped gas and oil wells, which were located within the region or area (Mahaffey, 38). These unmapped wells had the potential of compromising the ability of the planned plant to contain and preserve nuclear waste. The government feared that proceeding with the construction of a nuclear site at the Kansas location, may lead to the emergence of serious health hazards, such as nuclear leakages. This may result to a serious negative impact on the environment. This is because nuclear wastes have the capability of destroying the environment, and the lives of people. Because these concerns were raised by the people, and professional geologists, the government was able to abandon this program, and look for a new site. In relocating this project to New Mexico, the government was encouraged by the interests that emerged from the communities living in the region. Based on these facts, the department of energy was able to relocate this new program to the Delaware salt beds, which are located in New Mexico. The early activities that characterized the classification of the site was focused on obtaining data on hydrology, potash resources, and stratigraphy at the WIPP site. As these studies continued, a variety of geological processes and features were identified, and these features could negatively affect the capabilities of a radioactive waste repository system. Because of the existence of these geological issues and safety concerns, the exact loc ation of building this site was able to change on numerous occasions. This is because the government was keen on protecting the security of the community of people living in the Basin. One of the minerals that posed a safety concern was the presence of Brine deposits. The discovery of brine occurred in the year 1975, when a drilling process was able to release a pressurized deposit of brine, from beneath the repository level. Olsson (46) therefore explains that construction of this plant, near the brine deposits could compromise the safety of the facility. This is because brine has the capability of leaking into the repository, and hence dissolving the radioactive particles or elements. Furthermore, brine had the capability of entraining particulate matter or elements with radioactive waste substances to the surface. This can negatively affect the environment, and the people living within the environment under consideration. These were some of the factors that were considered during the creation and development of the WIPP nuclear plant. Importance of WIPP to the Study: Understanding the geological characteristics and formation of WIPP is important because of the fact that it is a nuclear facility, and any breaches of its security, can lead to very grave security concerns and environmental damages. Take for example the Fukushima Daiichi disaster of 2011. This was a Japanese nuclear disaster that occurred in the year 2011, after being hit by a tsunami (Fermi and Salvatore, 41). This disaster saw the release of a substantial amount of radio-active elements, making it one of the largest nuclear disasters of all time. This led to the contamination of the Pacific sea, affecting the marine life there. Furthermore, there were risks that people could acquire cancer, because of exposure to radioactive elements. Understanding the geological properties and conditions of WIPP would help in minimizing risks associated with the leakage of radioactive elements (Fermi and Salvatore, 41). Conclusion: Storing nuclear waste substances always gives a significant problem to the continuous usage of nuclear substances or materials. There are various challenges that exists in the storage of these nuclear facilities, and this is demonstrated by 2011 Japanese nuclear crisis, and the recent fires that occur at the WIPP nuclear plant. Salt mines have been traditionally used as storage sites for nuclear plants; however, workers in these locations are always vulnerable to acquiring medical conditions that are not conducive to them. Furthermore, the notion that salt mines have the capability of blocking a diffusion of waste products is not a certain belief. It is based on these facts that the WIPP repository should be placed under heavy surveillance to ensure that it does not present a health hazard or risk to the community living there. Works Cited: Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.>. Seong, Kwanjae, and Yoram Rubin. Field Investigation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Site (New Mexico) Using a Nonstationary Stochastic Model with a Trending  Hydraulic Conductivity Field. Water Resources Research (1999): 1011. Print. Capilla, Josà © E., J. Jaime Gà ¶mez-Hernà ¡ndez, and Andrà ©s Sahuquillo. Stochastic Simulation of  Transmissivity Fields Conditional to Both Transmissivity and Piezometric Head Data—3. Application to the Culebra Formation at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plan (WIPP), New  Mexico, USA. Journal of Hydrology (1998): 254-69. Print. Olsson, P. Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Fusion and Fusion Engineering. New York: Nova  Science, 2009. Print. Fermi, Enrico, and Salvatore Esposito. Neutron Physics for Nuclear Reactors Unpublished  Writings. Singapore: World Scientific, 2010. Print. Mahaffey, James A. Nuclear Fission Reactors. New York: Facts on File, 2011. Print. Appendix One: Image One: This image was removed from the ENERGY.GOV website, managed by the Office of the Environmental Management (, 5). The following is a link to the website, This is a truck carrying nuclear waste products, shipping them to the WIPP. This image is developed courtesy of ENERGY.GOV (, 5).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How Coal Is Formed :: Research Essays

How Coal Is Formed Coal is a very important fossil fuel. Without coal, steel would never have been invented and could have changed my life dramatically. The reason for this is because I am from Pittsburgh. At one point in time Pittsburgh was the leading producer of steel, and even had the nickname â€Å"The Steel City.† During the early 1900’s, steel factories were the main source of an income for people living in Pittsburgh. Working in these steel factories has been a part of my family’s past, since three generations of my family have been part of the steel industry. Therefore coal is somewhat a part of me and learning about what coal and how it is formed fascinates me. The first step in the formation of coal is the build up decomposed plant debris known as peat. Peat is a complex hydrocarbon that is the building block for coal. There are several factors that influence the formation of peat. The first two factors are â€Å"the evolutionary development of plant life† and the climate conditions. Conditions have to be warm enough to produce plants, and have a sufficient amount of moisture to allow plants to decompose and protect the peat. The last factor consists of the physical circumstances of the area, which include locations of bodies of water and â€Å"rates of subsidence or uplift† (Coal 2005). During a particular humid climate of the Carboniferous Period (360 to 286 million years ago), large tropical trees, ferns, and other plants constructed the great amount of areas that make up the coal beds of today (Peat 2005). The best conditions for coal to form are slow, constant subsidence, levees, beaches, and bars which give protection, and a limited supply of sediments that would stop peat formation (Coal 2005). With these conditions, the plant matter is able to build up. Bacterial decay through microorganisms begins to occur and peat is formed. Note that much of plant matter that lies on the surface of the Earth is never converted to peat because of organic decomposition and natural fires (Coal 2005). When this occurs closer to the surface and oxygen is available, an aerobic process occurs producing gaseous and liquid products.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

photosynthesis :: essays research papers

Organisms Depend Upon Photosynthesis A. Organisms Depend Upon Photosynthesis 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Photosynthetic organisms (algae, plants and a few other organisms) serve as ultimate source of food for most life. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Photosynthesis transforms solar energy into chemical bond energy of carbohydrates. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most food chains start with photosynthesizers. Solar Radiation Key Discoveries of Photosynthetic Process Structure of Chloroplasts Function of Chloroplasts A. Solar Radiation 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Solar radiation is described in terms of its energy content and its wavelength. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Photons are discrete packets of radiant energy that travel in waves. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of types of solar radiation based on wavelength. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gamma rays have shortest wavelength. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Radio waves have longest wavelength. c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Energy content of photons is inversely proportional to wavelength of particular type of radiation. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Short-wavelength ultraviolet radiation has photons of a higher energy content. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Long-wavelength infrared light has photons of lower energy content. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  High-energy photons (e.g., those of ultraviolet radiation) are dangerous to cells because they can break down organic molecules by breaking chemical bonds. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Low-energy photons (e.g., those of infrared radiation) do not damage cells because they do not break chemical bonds but merely increase vibrational energy. d.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  White light is made up of many different wavelengths; a prism separates them into a spectrum. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Only 42% of solar radiation that hits earth’s atmosphere reaches surface; most is visible light. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Higher energy wavelengths are screened out by ozone layer in upper atmosphere. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lower energy wavelengths are screened out by water vapor and CO2. c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Consequently, both the organic molecules within organisms are processes, such as vision and photosynthesis, are adapted to radiation that is most prevalent in the environment. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Earth’s Energy-Balance sheet a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  42% of solar energy hitting atmosphere reaches earth surface; rest is reflected or heats atmosphere b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Only 2% of 42% is eventually used by plants; rest becomes heat. c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of this plant-intercepted energy, only 0.1 to 1.6% is incorporated into plant tissue. d.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of plant tissue, only 20% is eaten by herbivores; most of rest decays or is lost as heat. e.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of herbivore tissues, only 30% is eaten by carnivores. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Photosynthetic pigments use primarily the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Two major photosynthetic pigments are chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both chlorophylls absorb violet, blue, and red wavelengths best. c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Very little green light is absorbed; most is reflected back; this is why leaves appear green. d.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Carotenoids are yellow-orange pigments which absorb light in violet, blue, and green regions. e.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When chlorophyll in leaves breaks down in fall, the yellow-orange pigments show through.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

HR Training Class Essay

Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company’s proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies. An employee needs assessment is an asset to have in the retail industry. In this demanding line of work it is imperative that we have employees who are fully capable of doing their job well and quickly. Therefore, the needs assessment is needed to help shine the light on those candidates who best fit our needs. One way that a needs assessment may expose any existing performance deficiencies is by looking at the candidates’ individual needs. A needs assessment would help the company see which candidates need what type of training and save time not training the right person incorrectly. Another way that a needs assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies is by looking at the organizational performance. This will help figure out the skills, knowledge and abilities that an agency needs from a candidate and help the organization recruit only those individuals that will help them and not hinder them in any way. The other way that a needs assessment can help expose any existing performance deficiencies is through an occupational needs assessment. This assessment examines the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for affected occupational groups. Occupational assessment identifies how and which occupational discrepancies or gaps exist and analyzes how well an employee is doing a job. It then determines the person’s capacity to do new or different work. Another way that a needs assessment can expose any existing performance deficiencies is by conducting a personality test. Not all individuals are capable of working in retail or with other individuals in that capacity so they would not be good candidates. The 5th way that a needs assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies would be to assess an individuals’ mental  capacity to perform. Retail is a stressful field and if a person is not able to handle the demands they could crack under the pressure. Develop a customer service training implementation plan and determine how the method of training (i.e., presentation, discussion, case study, discovery, role play, simulation, modeling, or on the job training). Training in the retail industry is very important and will be the starting point for every single individual who works for our company to understand how they are representing the company. It will also give new hires a chance to learn more about the company history and what makes the company a unique one to work for. There are several ways that new hires should be trained when working in retail customer service including: presentation, case study, role play, modeling and on the job training. All of these trainings include a way to train individuals who learn differently, such as auditory, visual and kinetic. This is the best way to train new hires if there are a large group of individuals so that everyone is able to learn the information and apply it. This eliminates any way for a new hire in the retail industry to not understand the material. Justify why you selected the training method that you did. I selected the presentation method because I believe that this is one of the best ways to help individuals learn. With a presentation the individual is not only hearing the information but they are also seeing the information and able to follow along visually. This makes sure that the individual has an auditory recall of the information as well as visual. The case study selection was picked because it helps new hires to see the typical day to day activities in the retail industry. By knowing what to expect, the individual is more prepared for the customers and the other duties that a retail employee must be able to handle at all times. Role playing will help enforce the case studies. It is easy for a new hire to read through a case study and read the solution. The role play helps the new hire fully appreciate how things may happen in the retail industry. By role playing kinetic learners are able to get up and apply the information that they have been taught. This is good for all retail new hires because they can see what may or may not happen while at work. This type of exposure will help cut down on confusion when a real world problem presents itself. Modeling is  great for new hires in the retail industry because they are able to see how a situation should play out if handled properly. By modeling the correct behavior and activities in front of a new hire the organization is able to ensure that the employee was taught the proper way by someone in the field who is an expert at what they do. On the job training is beneficial to any new employee, especially in the retail industry. By shadowing other employees who have more experience and learning along the way is the best way to train. All three learning areas; auditory, visual, and kinetic, are being tapped into. The employee is able to pick up more quickly because it is in the moment. Retail organizations should always include on the job training for their new hires so they can make sure that their employees are trained properly and fully aware of how the company should be running. All of these training methods that I selected are helpful and highly recommended in the retail industry. They each offer a different method of training that is intertwined with another method to offer a stair step affect. Propose two (2) ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class. Training classes are not the first thing a typical new hire wants to do before they are able to go out into the field and really get a grasp of their duties and how to handle customers. In order to handle employees who have no interest in attending a training class the HR department must look at ways to implement fun activities that enforce the information that they need to learn. The first way that an employee could be motivated who has no interest in attending a training class is to start a professional development course that will help employees advance in the workplace. This course would encourage employees to attend trainings and in return give credits for the course. When an employee reaches a certain level of credits and has accrued a certain amount of credit hours they will be eligible for a promotion. This is a positive way to increase the likelihood of an employee wanting to atte nd a training and help promote the retail organization as one that believes in the whole person and wants to develop their employees. Another way to motivate an employee who does not want to attend a training class is by paying for training and offering that pay on the first paycheck. By paying the employees for their time before they officially start working for the company shows the employee that they are  valued for their time. Employees would also know that initial training is mandatory for employment. It is imperative for employees to know how to do their jobs correctly and efficiently. If an employee is not able to dedicate their time to training they will be asked to leave. This will encourage employees in a positive way and also reinforce the organization’s standing with attendance and expectation of their employees. This may be off putting to some employees but it shows that the organization that they work for is serious about their employees’ futures and their time that they invest into everyone who comes to work for the company. This could also be a good promotion for the retail organization because it sets them apart from competitors. By being more strict and enforcing policies a company could attest that they are interested in developing the whole person and that they are dedicated to providing all of the training and development that an individual needs to be a part of a winning company. Develop a survey to collect feedback from the employees who attend the training. 1. The objectives of the training were clearly defined. 2. Participation and interaction were encouraged. 3. The topics covered were relevant to me. 4. The content was organized and easy to follow. 5. The materials distributed were helpful. 6. The organization understands the services of my store. 7. Overall how satisfied are you with the amount of communication between you/your store and the organization? 8. This training experience will be useful in my work. 9. The trainer was knowledgeable about the training topics. 10. The trainer was well prepared. 11. The training objectives were met 12. The time allotted for the training was sufficient. 13. Customer service representatives are well trained. 14. Customer service representatives adhere to professional standards of conduct. 15. Customer service representatives act in my best interest. 16. Customer service representative are well supervised. 17. The meeting room and facilities were adequate and comfortable. 18.  Overall I am satisfied with the customer service representatives who conducted my training. 19. What did you like most about this training? 20. What aspects of the training could be improved? 21. How do you hope to change your practice as a result of this training? 22. What additional customer service trainings would you like to have in the future? 23. Please share other comments or expand on previous responses here. Developing a training program for customer service individuals in the retail industry takes time and dedication because of the impact that these positions play in the company. In order for an organization to be successful they must understand that all employees are important and that it starts with the entry level position all the way to the CEO for effective customer service as well as experiences shopping. When a company puts thought and emphasis into the new hires in the company they are establishing a culture that promotes all employees from day one. This culture is very powerful and determines how the organization is ran for a long time. It is up to the HR department to make sure the proper needs assessments are being administered so they can find the best candidate possible for the position. The HR department must also understand that having the proper methods to train the new hires is what encourages individ uals to stay with the organization long term. This method is probably the best way for employees to see that they are being taken care of. By conducting a training survey the organization is able to collect data that will tell them how they are doing with their training process and this will help the HR department improve their training methods. This also gives the new hire and other employees the opportunity to give feedback on the process that they went through. If they saw room for improvement or really thought that a particular part of the training was very successful they can voice their opinions there and help improve the process for future trainees or keep parts of the training that worked well. References Customer Service Tips. (n.d.). 21 for Better Customer Relations. Retrieved August 22, 2014, from Retail Customer Service Training. (n.d.). Course. Retrieved August 22, 2014, from Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2012). Human resource management. (2nd ed.). Danvers, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nvq Level 2 Essay

Unit 2 1. Understand what is required for competence in own work role 1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own role. My duties are to assisted whilst promoting independence to elderly people with day to day tasks such as personal hygiene care, toileting, getting dressed a and undressed, serving at meal times with some clients needing to be assisted to feed. 1.2 Identify standards that influence the way the role is carried out. The standards that influence the way my role is carried out are Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Manuel Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and Codes of Practice. 1.3 Describe ways to ensure personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work. Ways to ensure personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work is being aware of own personal attitudes and beliefs, being open and understanding to others attitudes and beliefs and respecting the difference between own and others. Enquire for knowledge and understanding of needs, culture and background of individuals. 2. Be able to reflect on own work activities. 2.1 Explain why reflecting on practice is an important way to develop knowledge, skills and practice. Reflecting on practice is an important way to develop knowledge, skills and practice as helps make sense of and learn from experiences, develop skills and techniques, understanding what works and what doesn’t work, considering what could have been done differently. 2.2 Assess how well own knowledge, skills and understanding meets standards. 2.3 Demonstrate the ability to reflect on work activities. 3.Be able to agree a personal development plan. 3.1 Identify sources of support for own learning and development. Sources of support for own learning and development are my line manager, manager and my assessor. 3.2 Describe the process for agreeing a personal development plan and who should be involved. The process for agreeing a personal development plan is through appraisal with my line manager, back to work interviews with my manager and meetings with my assessor. 3.3 Contribute to drawing up own development plan. I contribute to drawing up own development plan by agreeing to objectives for development, understanding needs for specific , measurable, achievable, realistic and timed targets. 4. Be able to develop own knowledge, skills and understanding 4.1 Show how a learning activity has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding. I have done a dementia in house training and this has improved my knowledge, skills and understanding through this learning activity. It shows me how to deal with people with dementia and how it can affects a person. 4.2 Show how reflecting on a situation has improved own knowledge, skills and understand. I find reflecting on a situation helps to look at the situation from different views, which gives me a better knowledge and understanding. 4.3 Show how feedback from others has developed own knowledge, skills and understanding. My manager has received feedback from residents about my level of care I provide which is discussed in my appraisals, we also discuss i f any further training is required and if I have any problem. 4.4 Show how to record progress in relation to personal development. When I have an appraisal all topics discussed is record including any personal developments.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How to Write Police Report Essay

A police report is a description of facts surrounding a crime. It is used to report who, what, when, where, why and/or how a crime took place, although some of those facts may not be known at the time it is written. The term â€Å"police report† can be used to describe a report filed by a victim or witness of a crime or the preliminary report filed by an officer investigating a crime. These reports are often passed on to other policemen or crime scene specialists, who use them as a factual basis for investigating the crime. Unlike other prose-based essays, the main focus of preliminary reports is to report the facts, rather than argue a thesis. Read more to find out how to write a police report Gather your evidence or other reports. You will need to refer to them throughout your report. If you have a lot of evidence, take time to make a physical or mental list so that you are less likely to forget important elements 1. Gather witness testimony. This will be an essential part of your report. If you are the witness to the crime, then make notes about what you saw as soon as you can after it happened. * Many studies with memory have shown that our memories of events, even important moments like crimes, change in time. They may also be swayed by speaking with other people who have witnessed the event. Increase your accuracy by writing police reports immediately after you witness events. 1. Request a police report form. If you are a policeman, there is likely to be a template available to you. If you are reporting as a victim or witness to a crime, go online or call your local police department to inquire about the correct procedure for filling and filing a police report. Writing the Report 1. 1 Fill out a form, if one is given to you. Not all police reports are written in sentence structure. You may simply be asked to fill in the appropriate boxes on a form, according to the crime, witnesses and any other data you have gathered. 2. 2 1. Write the police report on the computer, unless you are asked to write it by hand. This will make it more legible and allow you to check it for spelling, punctuation and content errors. * If you must hand write a  report, be sure to print, rather than write in cursive or italic handwriting. This will allow your report to be read more clearly by all the parties involved. 2. 3 Write a prose summary of the incident, including only the facts of the case. You may be asked to do this in addition to filling out a police report form. The summary should be in chronological order and include the following elements: * Witness reports. Witnesses will likely be asked to submit their own description of what they saw. Use this to describe any suspects or crimes that were committed. * A description of the crime scene. It is important to start out with the facts of the case, so that people are acquainted with the facts immediately, instead of drawing conclusions. You can use some descriptive words to describe the environment and the people involved. Include addresses, the crime, crime scene evidence, locations, the date and the time. * A chronological narrative. You should include how you came upon the scene, who was involved, what they said and any investigative avenues that are being taken. Instead of repeating what was said in the crime scene description or the witness reports, you can describe other times, the witnesses themselves, the crime that was committed, other officers and any other factors that could be relevant. Continue your narrative up until the present day. * Make sure your narrative contains the following things: the reason you were on the scene, observations, arrests, statements, evidence and booking. 3. 4 Proof your report for any spelling or punctuation errors. Make sure you have spelled witness and place names correctly. Remove any words that could be seen as subjective, unless they are witness reports. 4. 5 Turn in your report to the proper authorities. This could be either a superior officer or a policeman at a station.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Development Of Radiographer Led Procedures Health And Social Care Essay

This scrutiny has been carried out on patients as a complete scrutiny. With the development of radiographer-led processs there is move towards giving a direct reply to put of the clinical indicants and inquiry and so orienting the scrutiny to suit this demand. The Ba sup can therefore moderately be split into a figure of ‘subexaminations ‘ when the clinical image has a definite way. Upper high Ba sup, this scrutiny is used for patients who have high dysphagia or definite oesophageal symptoms, or have rather frequently had a normal OGD but there are still have diagnostic that mean: rather frequently a motility upset may be cause. The technique is the patient is asked to stand erect in the AP place on the fluoroscopic tabular array and keep the cup of Ba in their manus, normally the left, as farther turning of the patient is normally to the left. The arm will so lie clear of the bole, without the patient holding to negociate its motion around the escalating screen passenger car. The patient is turned into a sidelong place in order to get down with everyday appraisal of possible aspiration, if this instance the scrutiny should be terminated instantly. They are asked to take a normal sized for them mouthful of the liquid and keep it in their oral cavity until asked to get down. This is to give the operator a opportunity to focus on on the country of involvement and optimise the collimation. If the radiographic equipment allows, a frame rate of 3 per second is suggested as an initial pick, modern digital equipment can let recording of the screened image. This frequently a radiation dosage decrease by leting retrospective and repeated survey of the patients get downing action without returning to the rescreen missed actions, and besides allows a more existent clip appraisal to take topographic point. The patient is so asked to get down and the exposure is initiated. Real clip recording is terminated when the Ba bolus passes beyond the screened image or po int of involvement. The AP position is the optimum for hypopharyngeal anatomy, it will be seen in individual and dual contrast images. This position can so be repeated at least one time more to guarantee there is consistence in the image, doing it easier to definitively place pathology. The patient is so turned into the sidelong place and the same process of taking a mouthful and get downing on petition is imaged. This position allows the posterior wall to be optimally viewed. The most common abnormalcies shown are relentless cricopharyngeal feelings or diverticulae, the most common diverticulum type being zenkers this occurs in the mid-hypopharynx and is more common in the older population. They are rather frequently termed hypopharyngeal pouches. The pouches can go rather big, frequently doing patients to be referred due to regurgitation of undigested nutrient some clip after they have eaten. They are besides frequently hard to endoscope as the range enters the pouch and can non b e passed farther. The Ba sup can therefore rather frequently be the most appropriate trial for corroborating the presence and extent of this pathology. Oesophageal webs are besides best seen on the sidelong projection, shown on the anterior wall, although they are best viewed with rapid imaging sequences, they have been noted in 1-5 % of diagnostic patients and 12-15 % of dysphagia patients. Barium sup and the reflux appraisal is patient for this type of survey frequently present with clinical symptoms of GOR. They frequently have a feeling of retrosternal uncomfortableness and no other symptoms. Although pH monitoring is an effectual manner of rating GOR, there is non every bit yet a gilded criterion test.the Ba survey can still be utile as an adjunct to other trials, as some GOR patients may hold little suspension hernias that are non seen on endoscopy. These patients frequently have mucosal alterations in the distal tierce of the gorge, so the sup is used to see the part closely and detect the fundus to look into for herniation. Technique for this testes is AP and sidelong projections can be taken of the gorge as antecedently described for the Ba sup. A more utile position of the distal tierce of the gorge is provided by the erect left posterior oblique, taken after the patients is asked to get down. The Ba bolus is imaged as a column and athletics movies taken to demo the distal tierce of the distal tierce of the gorge. This allows mucosal rings and peptic stenosiss to be shown good. As the column base on ballss and the mucous membrane relaxes, spor movies can be taken this frequently shown oesophagitis. The patient is the asked to take the effervescent granules either dry or assorted with a little sum of H2O if dry is excessively hard, or other effervescent assistance, followed by the citric acid. It is of import to affect on the patient that these will bring forth gas in the tummy and may give them the feeling that they need to burp, it is imperative the y do non yield to enticement and the best manner to avoid this is to state them to maintain swallowing. Advance account of this, giving grounds for its importance, will maximise conformity. The patient is so asked to get down another mouthful of Ba whilst in the LPO place and images can be taken of the lower gorge. This will give a dual contrast scrutiny of gorge, leting a good expression at mucosal item. To observe marks of a suspension hernia or GOR, the fluoroscopic sofa is so placed horizontally and the patient turned to their right to measure reflux. Sport images of the country are taken. The patient is so asked to revolve through 360 at their ain gait, this will guarantee coating of all facets of the stomachic mucous membrane ready for appraisal of the tummy. Whilst they are executing this motion it is best to test sporadically in instance any extra lower oesophageal pathology is noted so that a athletics image of the lower oesopagus and gastroesopahageal junction can be taken . On finishing this tactic, farther images of the tummy are taken at cardinal phases: foremost, the patient is asked to turn to their left ( LOP ) where a athletics images is taken. Second, turned back to supine ( AP ) . Third, turned to their right ( RPO ) . And the patient is returned to the vertical place, turned somewhat to their left and an erect ( LPO ) movie is taken to demo the distal orsophagus and the fundus of the tummy. To demo reflux really happening, the patient can be tilted caput downwards ( Trendelenburg place ) as this mimics stress reflux but, as this is an unreal place, it may hold limited bearing on the truth appraisal of the true extent of reflux. If reflux is demonstrated the freedom with which it occurs and the degree it attains should be note as this will be an assistance to the clinician in the appraisal of the patient. It is noted nevertheless, that reflux may merely happen in approximately a 3rd of diagnostic patient. Preparation of patient to all scrutin y upper piece of land is, the patien should hunger for least 6 hours before the scrutiny but 5 hours is considered equal by some. It is suggested that this should be the instance even if merely Ba sup is indicated, in instance positions of the tummy are found to be required, this avoids the patient holding to return for a 2nd scrutiny. All jewelry or artifacts illustration hearing AIDSs should be removed. Patient vesture should be removed and a patient gown should be worn. The patient should so be informed of the process they should have information with their assignment prior to go toing, so they can give their consent. Complication with instructions on the famishment period should be checked. ESOPHAGRAM PROCEDURE. Two common radiographic processs of the upper GI system affecting the disposal of contrast media are the esophagram, or Ba sup, buttocks it is sometimes referred to, and the upper GI series. Each of these processs is described in item, get downing the esophagram. An esophagram, or Ba sup is the common radiographic process or scrutiny of the pharnx and gorge, using a radiopaque contrast media may be used. The intent of an esophagram is to analyze radiographically the signifier and map of the get downing facets of the pharnx and gorge. No contraindications exist for esophagrams except possible sensitiveness to the contrast media used. The engineer should find whether the patient has a history of sensitiveness to barium sulphate or water-soluble contrast media. Because the gorge is empty most the clip, patient need no readying for an esophagram unless upper GI series is to follow. When combined with an upper GI, or if the primary interested is the lower gorge, readying for the UGI takes precedency. For an esophagram merely, all vesture and anything metallic between the oral cavity and the waist should be removed, and the patient should have on a infirmary gown. Before the fluoroscopic process a pertinent history should be taken and the scrutiny carefully explained to the patient. The first portion of an esophagram involves fluoroscopy with a positive-contrast medium. The scrutiny room should be clean, tidy, and appropriated stocked before the patient is escorted to the room. The appropriate sum and type of contrast medium should be ready. Esophagrams by and large use both thin and thick Ba. Extra points utile in the sensing of a radiolucent foreign organic structure are cotton balls soaked in thin Ba, Ba pills or gelatin capsules filled with BaSO, and marsmallows. After get downing any one of these three substances, the patient is asked to get down an extra thin Ba mixture. Because the esophagrams begins with the tabular array in the perpendicular place the footbo ard should be in topographic point and tested for security. Lead aprons, compaction paddle, and lead baseball mitts should be provided for the radiotherapist, ass good as lead aprons for all other forces in the room. Proper radiation protection methods must be observed at all times during fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopy with the room prepared and the patient ready, the patient and radiotherapist are introduced and the patients history and the ground for the test discussed. The fluoroscopic scrutiny normally begins with a general study of patients chest including bosom, lungs and stop, and the venters. During fluoroscopy, the technologist responsibilities in general are to follow the radiotherapist instructions, assist patient as needed, and hasten the process in any mode possible because the scrutiny in begun in the vertical or vertical place, a cup of thin Ba is placed in the patient left manus near to the left shoulder. The patient so is instructed to follow radiotherapist instructions r efering how much to imbibe and when. The radiotherapist observes the flow of Ba with the roentgenoscope. Swallowing of thin Ba is observed with the patient in assorted places. Similar place may be used while the patient swallows thick Ba. The usage of thick Ba allows better visual image of mucosal forms and any lesion within the gorge. The type of Ba mixture to be used, nevertheless, is determined by the radiotherapist. After the unsloped surveies, horizontal and Trendelenburg places with midst and thin Ba may follow. A patient is shown in place for an RAO projection with a cup of thin Ba. The throat and cervical gorges are normally studied fluoroscopically with athletics movie, whereas the chief part of the esophagus down to the tummy is surveies both with fluoroscopy and with postfluoroscopy overhead radiogram. Presentation of esophageal reflux is the diagnosing of possible esophageal reflux o regurgition of stomachic contents may happen during fluoroscopy or an esophagram. One or more of the undermentioned processs may be performed to observe esophageal reflux ; take a breathing exercising, H2O trial, compaction paddle technique and toe- touch manoeuvre.